Precious Metal
《Precious Metal》是由Agnes-Nicole Winter、Alexander Winter、Cristofer Winter主演的电影。
After many years of slavery by the Spanish Conquistadors, the Pueblo Indians revolted. Tons of gold that they were forced to mine remained hidden in the high desert mountains of New Mexico for over three hundred years. In modern day New Mexico, Lance Cliffwalker dreams about establishing a Native American Culture and Education Center in his hometown of Albuquerque. With the help of his friend Kevin Mason, he's determined to dig up the legendary lost gold and put to rest the souls of many Pueblo Indians. They team up with Danielle Barrow, the archaeologist niece of multi-millionaire Bentley Barrow. But when Danielle is kidnapped by her estranged father Gregory Barrows and held hostage, not even Bentley's billions nor geostationary satellites or equipment that money can buy will be able to stop Bentley's insanely jealous brother. Now our team is fighting for her as well as for possession of the treasure.
经过西班牙征服者多年的奴役,普韦布洛印第安人起义了。他们被迫开采的成吨黄金在新墨西哥州的高沙漠山脉中隐藏了三百多年。在今天的新墨西哥州,兰斯·克利夫沃克梦想在他的家乡阿尔伯克基建立一个美洲原住民文化和教育中心。在朋友凯文·梅森(Kevin Mason)的帮助下,他决心挖掘传说中丢失的黄金,让许多普韦布洛印第安人的灵魂安息。他们与亿万富翁本特利·巴罗的侄女、考古学家丹妮尔·巴罗合作。但当丹妮尔被疏远的父亲格雷戈里·巴罗斯绑架并被劫持为人质时,即使是本特利的数十亿美元、地球同步卫星或金钱可以买到的设备,也无法阻止本特利疯狂嫉妒的弟弟。现在我们的团队正在为她和宝藏的占有权而战。
Precious Metal.猫眼电影.
最新修订时间:2022-01-24 21:10